Wednesday 29 June 2011

Days 8 & 9

I have been a little distracted within the last couple of days. I had a friend come to visit, and I also had a bad hair dye job happen. I can't say that my weight has declined like I want to say it has. To be honest, I'm kinda afraid to weigh myself. Day 8 was not a best walk. First off I am afraid of the dark (and no I am not 12 years old) and second I'm afraid of big dogs barking and running at me. This was the case of day 8. I was scared so we barely got 2K in and had to come home. The boyfriend was completely shocked as to why I was fighting back tears holding on to our dog for dear life. He finally discovered my fears. While at work yesterday (Day 9) I indulged in cookies and cheese. So as a means of self correcting I went for a 3K walk. It was a nice out and I did not even touch my dog spray to get ready to use it which is great. One of the parks was filled with teenagers. They finished school yesterday and this park was in between two schools... so maybe they all sent texts out and met up to celebrate? We also got a picture with a green boy and a blue boy. That was funny and did make this walk one that I will remember. 

Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 6

So day 5 didn't really go well at ALL. I ate WAY too much and rested WAY too much. Today I made a point to self correct so I went for walk/jog in the morning and did 5K. After a company dinner of stake, baked potatoe, ceaser salad, and dessert, we got in 3.8 K. My legs are SORE and for the last half of my nightly activity I started receiving throbbing pain in my side. I made sure to slow right down to 3.0 mph. The boyfriend did very well tonight by helping motivating me to get out again. He jogged more then I could tonight, but made sure to come back for me ever so often. The poor dog is passed out with exhaustion right now. I'm glad to have turned things around today after doing so poorly yesterday :)

Thursday 23 June 2011

Day 4

Today is beautiful out! It's a bit hot though which made it difficult to add some speed. Did about 4 miles (6473 steps) at a very slow pace. The poor dog was panting the whole time, but he made a friend which was nice. The two dogs were about the same size, both very happy dogs, chasing each other around the park, it was cute. My hamstrings do not feel as tight as they felt before. I have really been paying attention to my body, making sure that as soon as I feel pain in the back of my legs to switch which side of the sidewalk I walk on. We finished the walk off and then split an ice cream cone from Mc Donalds. But other then that, I don't have much to say.

Day 3

40.5 pounds to go

Today I took it easy, I was reading on this website on how to train for a half marathon... I haven't rested at all for the past week. So today was my first lazy day. Tomorrow I look forward to jogging, hopefully my hamstrings will have gotten a break. As for my diet... not the best today. I had half a bowl of vermicelli, an egg, a large portion of Shepherd's Pie (with extra lean beef and sweet potato), a burger at Burger King and some ice cream... I know very very bad today. I still feel full. I'm kinda worried about these rest days...

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day 2 Evening

So... we ate a big meal. I was super full and exhausted because last night I got a jog in at 12:15a.m.... bad idea if you want to calm down before bed. I was up until 3:30a.m! Anyway I am getting off track. Tonight I really wanted to get a jog in. The boyfriend on the other hand was not feeling it. I somehow got him into his gear and within the first minute outside, he had a smile on his face and was talking about how good it is to get some fresh air. The walk was perfect. We found a bird on some grass just laying there. We yelled and the dog jumped at it, finally we decided that the bird was sick and we shouldn't get too close to it. The average pace today was 5.6 which I find to be personally a good pace. I was happy with it. We walked 5K, I tried to jog the last K but the dog and boyfriend came racing up behind me and gave me a good scare so I walked the rest... I know... not good but hey tonight was my second activity. I'm not going to complain for doing 9K today. My hamstrings are still a little tense which is making things a bit tougher but overall today has been a great day! So I tried this to stretch them out:

Day 2

41 pounds to go!

This morning I woke up, had some cereal and within an hour I started my 3.69 walk/jog! I really enjoy getting out first thing in the morning that way I beat the heat and it’s a great way to get my body going. It was a nice cloudy morning, the dog walked on the proper side of the street. There were a few incidents that caused some stress though, first city workers were cutting the low branches off trees causing the dog to get a bit stressed by the noise (so I carried him for a bit) second I just downloaded a new application called “Runtastic” on my Blackberry Curve but I didn’t know how to operate it fully and forgot to stop it. So far the application seems like a good idea. It recorded my average speed, distance, average pace, elevation gain/loss, calories, max speed, the duration and what the time and date was when I started my activity. Want to know what the cool thing is? It’s free! But overall I am very proud of my journey this morning! I walked 2.69 kms and jogged the last km! I have never done that without stopping before.

For lunch I packed a pecan, egg, beacon bit, mushroom, and spinach salad with poppy seed dressing. I packed an extra egg and some grapes for myself. The boyfriend on the other hand started complaining about the fact that he has no gone out to eat for a week (last time we went out was Friday but alright). Tonight we are having stake, rice and salad but I will make sure to watch the portion sizes. 

Day 1

Today I decided to train for a marathon which will be taking place in the summer of 2012!

I am 42 pounds over my ideal body weight. Through training, I hope to achieve weight loss and self satisfaction. Until 3 days ago, I couldn't jog a block. While going for a walk with my boyfriend my boyfriend suggested we jog for a bit.... me jog? LOL alright?!? I'm a horrible jogger, I have poor lungs and I always feel like I want to puke whenever I get moving too much. But 3 days ago I decided to humor him, and "jog". Watching him jog made me laugh cause he was super SLOW and he didn't look cool at all. So when I started off and I made sure that I jogged faster then him, I lifted my legs to the perfect length and arched my arms the way you see the sexy models on TV Commercials doing and I started jogging. After a few minutes I was getting tired and my boyfriend was starting to pass me. He asked he could give me a few suggestions....I agreed. I hate it when he's right... but anyway...
Tip #1: I needed to keep me feet lower towards the ground, and stop lifting them as much so that I don't use so much energy lifting my legs
Tip #2: Start off slower
With those 2 tips I was able to jog my first block that night. I felt so proud of myself. I knew that we had to make jogging apart of our lives. Two days ago, I started feeling pain in the back of my right leg (hamstrings) felt really stiff and started hurting while I was jogging. I usually always walk with my left arm towards traffic and my right arm (which holds the leash of my Pomeranian) on the side closest to grass and peoples yards. The thing is, side walks are slanted just a tiny bit so that water will drain off of them... so my right leg was on a higher level then my left leg... the right leg wasn't getting as much of a stretch and so I decided to switch my method of walking and jogging (although dog books always say that dogs should walk on the right of you, I figured my legs could use the switch). So now we are trying to adjust to my right arm being towards traffic and my left arm being towards grass, the dog is super confused and keeps running into traffic now.