Tuesday 20 September 2011

I am back!

As time goes on, I bet you're losing faith in me. I know that I have. I haven't really progressed as well as I would like to. I am right back to my original weight from the beginning of the summer.... not good inspiration. But they say that change isn't easy and it's true. Real change is not easy for me anyway. I started up school again and I have a somewhat busy schedule. But... in regards to my activity level.. it pretty much hasn't existed. I went for a walk about three times and followed a workout DVD three times as well. This "30 Day Shred" drains me. I honestly want to puke during and after the workout. I am guessing that it's because I lack stamina. I tried it with heavier weights and it was really hard. I like to think of myself as a tough chick but I traded in my 8 pound weights for 5 pounders.... then sadly a pair of large soup cans. Doing the DVD with soup cans allowed me to finish it which made me extremely proud (again this DVD is really tough). I am now in a long distance relationship again. The boyfriend and I decided to keep things fresh and lose some weight together by going for walks with headsets in. I look crazy. People keep thinking that I am talking to them but oh well. I gotta learn to take care of this body of mine. I am stuck with it for a really time, it is my forever. On a side note: meal plans. "Sigh" I need to follow one. And I also came to the harsh reality that I eat nothing but carbs all day (and night). I am not thinking of doing something crazy like getting rid of my favourite foods, but reducing the amount that I am eating; this is my toughest challenge in regards to my weight struggle. I will keep you posted to how the carbs and I are doing! Thank you for reading.