Tuesday 20 September 2011

I am back!

As time goes on, I bet you're losing faith in me. I know that I have. I haven't really progressed as well as I would like to. I am right back to my original weight from the beginning of the summer.... not good inspiration. But they say that change isn't easy and it's true. Real change is not easy for me anyway. I started up school again and I have a somewhat busy schedule. But... in regards to my activity level.. it pretty much hasn't existed. I went for a walk about three times and followed a workout DVD three times as well. This "30 Day Shred" drains me. I honestly want to puke during and after the workout. I am guessing that it's because I lack stamina. I tried it with heavier weights and it was really hard. I like to think of myself as a tough chick but I traded in my 8 pound weights for 5 pounders.... then sadly a pair of large soup cans. Doing the DVD with soup cans allowed me to finish it which made me extremely proud (again this DVD is really tough). I am now in a long distance relationship again. The boyfriend and I decided to keep things fresh and lose some weight together by going for walks with headsets in. I look crazy. People keep thinking that I am talking to them but oh well. I gotta learn to take care of this body of mine. I am stuck with it for a really time, it is my forever. On a side note: meal plans. "Sigh" I need to follow one. And I also came to the harsh reality that I eat nothing but carbs all day (and night). I am not thinking of doing something crazy like getting rid of my favourite foods, but reducing the amount that I am eating; this is my toughest challenge in regards to my weight struggle. I will keep you posted to how the carbs and I are doing! Thank you for reading.

Monday 22 August 2011

Day 61

After I blogged yesterday, the boyfriend decided that he too wanted to go for a walk... twice! So I ended up going again. The boyfriend and the dog make the walks a lot more eventful that's sure. The boyfriend saw some apples high up in a tree which resulted to us jumping at them for a few minutes and my boyfriend getting a sliver lol he was too funny. We found a jeep which we are going to test drive tonight for the second time. I ended up walking an additional 4.34 kms after my first 3. Today day 61 has been a very hot day. I worked outside it was plus 36! I could have died, seriously I could have! When heat stroke happens to could kill a person, although I didn't get the full out heat stroke, I did suffer heat exhaustion today. I was dizzy, I had a headache, and I had a hard time focusing on anything. I wasn't myself. Tonight I decided to take it easy. I've previously written about "Live Longer" written by Sally Brown I believe, but in case I haven't... it's a great book! I sincerely enjoy it. It describes 52 ideas on how to live longer. Idea number 19 was the Enzyme Q10... well it's pretty good stuff. After receiving minor heat exhaustion today I decided to grab a bottle of these lil miracle pills and give them a try cause I needed some groceries anyway. If you are planning on going to bed right away, please don't take these. It's recommended to take 30-90 mg for anti-aging affects, and 100-300 mg for athletes. Well... apparently I am an athlete so I took 200 mg at once. Within half an hour, I was bouncing off the walls in a hyper state. Although I have had an exhausting day already, I knew I NEEDED to get moving so I walked for 2 kms. Nothing special happened. I didn't run super fast or anything, but I am excited to see what affects these pills have on me when I haven't been out in plus 36 for 8 hours that day gardening! I will keep you posted on the coenzyme Q10! Thanks for reading!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Day 60

Today was the first time that I ever went on my own. No dog, no boyfriend, just me! I drank my pre jog water which really helped. It was plus 18 which is a bit warmer then my liking. My average speed was 6.3 kph! That is amazing for myself, total distance was 3.02 km and burnt 346 calories! I am all sweaty and now I need a shower! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 56

I have been active most days... I just realized that I didn't blog about any of them! Sorry alright so did I tell you that I gained weight? Well I did again, and I was feeling so discouraged. However, yesterday I weighed myself and it said I was back to normal. AND After a few weeks I saw my parents again ... they both commented on how much more trim and fit I was looking! I felt so proud when I heard those words! I knew that my stomach was looking better and I wasn't feeling as chubby but I just didn't fully get way I gained weight. I knew the answer but I wasn't accepting it I guess. I had gained muscle, muscle weighs more then fat does. Then today I lost yet another pound! I am supper proud of the lifestyle changes that I have made into my life! Today I asked my boyfriend to drop me off to work so that I could walk home. I brought way too many things, it was hot and so it took me 55 minutes to walk 4.1 kms.... thats pretty slow. We walked over a overpass, the dog was amazed at the cars driving under us. Seeing his reaction made it worth every drop of sweat that I shed. Anyway I do fully intend to do some light weight training tonight. Leave me a comment! Thanks for reading!

Monday 8 August 2011

Day 48

I just realized that I have never really told you much about myself. I am a nursing student, who's also getting a business certificate. At the moment, I'm on summer vacation. As one of my summer jobs, I decided to try something completely new but physical... yard work! Today was my first day of yard work. I have never done a labor intensive job before and when I got home today... my feet hurt. I was super grumpy and just wanted to lay down for the rest of the night. I ate a fairly large supper. It was healthy... to a point. Butter chicken, lots of veggies and a small amount of rice. Then I had a piece of toast and a bowl of my favorite cereal... Nesquik. I felt guilty, but I was sore and feeling sorry for myself. My boyfriend started to get on my case to go for a walk. To be perfectly honest, I was ready to let him go on his own. But seeing him pouting because I was being a grump, make me feel really bad so despite my sore feet, I put back on my runners and headed out the door. Once I started my walk, my feet actually stopped hurting. We walked 5 kms together and the boyfriend walked an extra km. I was so proud of him. He broke his personal record. Seeing how happy he was made me truly thankful that I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and go for a walk. Although I am glad that I went, my feet sure were not. After placing my feet in some warm tea tree water with vanilla for 20 minutes so far, I can actually tell you that my feet are feeling a bit better. Anyway I will keep you posted on the progress of my feet. Thanks for reading! I am exhausted. :) I should have a great sleep tonight!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 47

Did my 5 kms today with the boyfriend and dog which was nice. It lightly rained on us throughout most of the walk. We discovered that this area also grows blueberries and a funky apple tree which I have never seen before. The boyfriend stole a few apples which were abit tart, but I enjoyed them anyway. Stolen goods always taste a bit better then none stolen. Oh and I remembered to drink a glass of water before hand! Amazing how water before and after can make such a difference in your workout. When we got home, my boyfriend went on the Wii and did a few balance exercises... it was entertaining to say the least. While I looked up a few light weight arm exercises. One of my goals for next summer is to comfortably wear a tube top so I have lots of time to tone up my arms and shed a few pounds by then. I did about 30-40 minutes of light weights and strength exercises. Thanks for reading!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 46

Today has been a very relaxing day until... we went for a walk. It was soooo hot out today. Plus 26 but felt like 32! I forgot yet again to drink my pre water. Bad idea, I must remember the water, because I really noticed a difference in the way I felt during and after my little bit of exercise. We did 5 kms today, tried to travel at a faster paced but today's pace ended up being 4.7 kph, burning 300 calories. However, I believe that I burnt alot more then 300 calories, I sweat so much in that heat. Poor dog was going to pass out in the middle of the sidewalk if we didn't get home soon. My last goal of today is to do 30 minutes of weight training, we'll see maybe my boyfriend will let us go try out a gym we got a free week membership to. It's called "Goodlife" and that's where I got that amazing book which I was going on and on about in my previous blog. Anyway have a great day!

Friday 5 August 2011

Days 43, 44, & 45

Day 43, walked 3.77 kms, did 30 minutes of weight training and swam with kids for 2 hours! I had a blast, I am not a very strong swimmer anymore which saddens me. I could tread water for 4-5 minutes still which was nice, although I didn't get a chance to see what I am able to fully do. The kids kept harassing me to come play with them.  Swimming is definitely something which I must start to do more. Day 44: walked 5.55 kms. The boyfriend was way too slow that day so I walked ahead then came back for him throughout the end of our walk. The average speed was 4.8 kph as a result. I burnt 368 calories... then I went and got a snackpack from KFC.... it was 10 at night. Today is Day 45. I went for a walk on my own, but I forgot to drink water ahead of time and I noticed a difference. The total distance was 5.19 km. Total time: 1 hour and 2 minutes. Calories burnt was 335. Average speed was 5.0 kph which is alright compared to what my speed used to be at the beginning and considering that this was just walking with no jogging today. I was in a debate about drug testing at the beginning of my walk so I was completely distracted by my cell phone. I think that my goal should be to do 5 kms in less time now. I need to get more jogging in before hand and no more fast food late at night! I am kinda thinking of giving it up.... thoughts? Anyway I got in a 30 minute light weight training session which was nice. Got to watch some tv and tone up! Yay!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Day 42

I have not been inactive.... Went for vacation. We walked 3-5 Kms in the mornings and also got an hour of canoeing in! It was soo much fun! Canoeing in Lake Louise and giving it our all was a great feeling. Although I am not in the best shape, I saw how well I did when it came down to my stokes in comparison to others (alright I have to admit... I have gotten taught how to hold a paddle, and took a few canoeing lessons as a child) but still.  I haven't canoed in YEARS! Another thing that has happened which I must let you know of is.... I have now accepted the fact that I need to do strength training again. For some reason I had developed this misguided stereotype of weight training. I read that if one lifted weights then they would get bigger muscles, but would still remain fat. Maybe if I JUST lifted a massive amount of weights, and did absolutely no cardio then there is a chance of that happening, I am not sure completely. But since muscle burns more calories then fat does, and I LOVE to eat, it would make sense that I should have more muscle in-order to eat lots of food while still maintaining my weight! At one point of my life, I lifted weights. I was already slimmer, and I didn't pay that much attention to what it did to my body. But back then I was way more active in general. What happened since then? And why didn't I see the great things that exercise did to my body? Because something was missing and I wasn't in tune with myself. Like I have said before, I gained ALOT of weight! But having gone through such a drastic weight gain, it allows me to look for the real problem. Did I not love myself enough to care about my body? My body is my foundation... yet I let it become weak. At one point, I was lifting 20-25 pounds and now 5 pounds are tiring me out! Wow! I think just looking at cardio as a means to becoming thin was extremely unrealistic. While I am excited to complete a 5KM jog, I am feeling extremely relieved to have found another piece to  a very confusing puzzle.. my health. This is the one thing that I must never lose sight of again. I remember when I was younger thinking : "so what if diet pills make me gain weight later on, by then I wont care how I look, right now I want to look hot" I didn't care about what diet pills did to my heart, or how they messed with my bodies natural ability to maintain itself. I didn't know my body, or know what it needed, my caring for myself was superficial. I now want to be healthy. Weight training combined with cardio and healthy eating I believe will help me achieve optimal health. I just finished reading that book that I was telling you about and it was AMAZING! You must grab a copy of it! I have never had such a greater understanding of what I should do to achieve optimal health. I will not be giving this book away :) Anyway I am exhausted from my day. I got 3Km in today and 27 mins of strength training. Have a great day!

Thursday 28 July 2011

Day something or other

I walked for about 1.5 km, but nothing too serious. We were supposed to hit the gym but the boyfriend made excuses as to why we didn't have time... so when I got home I got in 3 km. The walk was not a success by any means. My average speed was 4.8 kph, and I lost my chap-stick. I was totally disappointed. Even thinking about it now, upsets me. BUT one great thing today happened... I started reading a new book "Living the Good Life- Your Guide to Health and Success" Written by David Patchell- Evans. GREAT BOOK thus far!!! I love every minute of this easy read! I encourage you to grab a copy at any Goodlife fitness centers. Anyway I am off to bed, take care.

Monday 25 July 2011

About the meal plans

Those who would like a meal plan, leave a comment on my blog with your email address and I will make sure to send you at least week 1

Day 35

Day 34 didn't happen due to my knee injury... my knees are by no means healed but I can now move them without wanting to cry. Wine before jogging will never happen again. On a weird note.. I read on the internet that putting turmeric on your scrapes will help the healing along. So in order to test this theory, I put turmeric on the scrape on my hand, and let the knee scrape naturally heal. It turned my hand yellow, I tried so hard to get it off but nope. I just finished jogging, sweat like a pig, and the yellow tint is gone. I did 3.19 km, 30 mins, burnt 159 calories, and my AVERAGE SPEED was 6.4 kph! My fastest yet! Super proud of that, especially in this heat! Very very happy with it actually. I have been reading abit about waist packs (which are really fanny packs but not neon pink, and green) and to be honest, I think a "waist pack" which holds water may really help on these hot summer days. I will keep you updated on that. Speaking of keeping you updated... I owe you a couple meal plans... I am sorry about that. Here is week 1

Week 1
9 am
Cereal & fruit
Boiled egg & toast
Smoothie (frozen yogart, frozen fruit, juice)
Eggs, toast, & fruit
Smoothie (frozen yogart, frozen fruit, juice)
12 pm
Bean Soup
Coucous Salad (black olives, tomatoe, fresh herbs, oil, soup base)
Sandwich & Veggies
Large Spinach salad (poppy seed dressing, feta, olives, beacon bits, hard-boiled egg)
Soup & Salad
Tomato Salad (feta, fresh lemon, pressed garlic, salt, herbs)
3 pm
Veggies & dip
Cheecha Puffs (90 g)
Veggies & dip
Oreo cakesters snack size
Watermelon basket (strawberries, kiwi, mango, etc)
Oreo cakesters snack size
6 pm
Tuna Pasta
Sheppard’s pie
Curried chicken, rice, and corn on the cob
Fish, rice, & salad
Pizza & veggies
Chicken, baked potatoe, and corn on the cob
8 pm
Boiled egg
Granola & yogurt
Cheecha puffs
Anything small

Cut up Veggies ahead of time, boil 4 eggs, buy fresh spinach, and stock up on fruit

Sunday 24 July 2011

Day 33

I have not been too active in the last little bit, I have gone for a few walks/jogs but forgot write about them. Anyway last night.... after a glass of wine, I decided to get out there and get some exercise... bad idea for the uncoordinated. I wiped out. Now my left hand is wounded and so are both my knees. I had the worst sleep last night. I didn't realize how much I get stepped on or kicked throughout the night. The dog stepped on my knee, and my boyfriend kicked me. After some more bleeding, I tried to get some sleep but I became paranoid  and I am going to be tired for the rest of the day. Moral of the story... don't drink a single glass of wine then go jogging if you have coordination issues to begin with.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Day 24

It looked like rain all day today so while it was lightly spitting, I decided to get out there. Lol well, I only walked 2 Ks before I was completely drenched. My average speed was 4.9 kph, burning 126 cals for a total of 25 minutes. Not bad for a rainy day. The weight hasn't really come off but then again, I haven't been a consistent worker outter person. I have to make sure that I get out there everyday.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day 23 continued...

Instead of studying I decided go for another walk/jog. My average speed was 5.2 kph! My max speed was 13.7 kph. The distance was 4.61 km and my total time was 53 mins. I sweat alot this time, I still feel sweat forming on my forehead. Kinda gross I know, but I feel great. I am noticing that the more I sweat, the better I feel afterwards. Did I mention that I found $20 laying on the ground today? Yup! It's a sign that this broke student should continue to walk/jog outdoors and not spend money on gym fees. I enjoy the outdoors more anyway. Thanks for reading!

Day 23

I went for a 42 min walk/ jog this morning and came home looking like a ripe tomatoe! It felt awesome! My average space was 5.1, and I burnt 430 calories. I wore black pants, a thin tshirt and a wind breaker. I was kinda over dressed considering it was 21 degrees Celsius outside, but that helped me sweat. The boyfriend and I then went for a picnic. I love my picnics. Picnics allow us to eat healthy, spend some time outside and enjoy the weather, I love them. Once I got home, I put on some of my favorite tunes and danced around for an hour. Lol I had alot of fun and since no one was around to watch me, I had fun doing some funky new moves that I wouldn't normally try. Now my back is all sweaty and I'm going to jump into the shower! Thanks for reading my blog!

Monday 11 July 2011

Day 21

42 pounds to go

I started off this blog with so many good intentions. I still have them but to be honest, I am feeling discouraged with myself. I gained 20 pounds within a few months of moving out on my own, then I gained another 40 pounds from the time that I met my boyfriend. That's a few pounds...what happened? Well I have grown in height for one thing, but one inch doesn't cause one to gain 60 pounds. I don't have a schedule at all. I ate my meals at a certain time everyday for years, I went to sleep at a certain everyday for years. I still have the sleep schedule to some degree but the meal schedule is nuts. We went to the movies last night and I ate popcorn, when I was younger I couldn't always eat what I wanted because I didn't have the money to do it. Now that I'm older and have my own money, and a car, I'm no longer as active and I eat all the time whenever I want. I have tried to "Listen to my body" when I fill my body with garbage day in and day out, at random times, I keep gaining weight. I don't think that JUST running a marathon will fix the weight problem. It's more then that. I constantly argue with my boyfriend on the fact that exercise alone wont solve everything. I have been tried meal plans and they worked fairly well for me. But I didn't make enough weeks. I loved them, I looked forward to my snacks and it allowed me to portion out my meals so that I didn't go over my calorie count for the day. The thing is life is busy. I'm a nursing student, who's also going for a business certificate. During exam times I didn't have time to make more weekly schedules but if you think about it, I should just make 12 weeks and then rotate them. I'll post a few meal plans up so that you can maybe use them too. Anyway I kinda went off on a rant there. Today has been great. I listened to three episodes of my favorite podcast "Insideout Weigh Loss" while I walked 4 K, and burnt 380 calories.  I walked a new route today which was nice because I was kinda getting bored of my route. The plum trees that I have been watching are now bearing fruit! I am so excited! Thanks for reading, feel free to comment on my blog

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Day 16

Since I HATE working outside in any temperature warmer then 24 degrees Celsius, I bought DVDs to get my body moving on those days that the weather doesn't appeal to me. I recently bought 3 DVDs from Walmart. 1. Body Firming- Lifestyle which I haven't fully completed yet. I did about 10 minutes of the video and let me tell you: I haven't marched since I was in cadets and majorets. I got bored of it. But I will complete the video later on. 2. Yoga-Lifestyles. I just watched the video last night for an hour or so. I have taken a few yoga classes so it didn't look too hard. 3. New York City Ballet workout is FUN! Alright I have to admit something about that purchase...I just bought it because Sarah Jessica Parker is on the back. But doesn't she have one of the best bodies ever? I mean she may be small, but she has some pipes on her. The ballet video is so far my favorite. I did 8 out of 17 exercises. I feel good. The video got me to work my abs and there were times when I broke out in laughter because it was hurting too much. Which then got the dog excited. He chewed on me, barked at me (when I tried to ignore him), and jumped on me.The only real problem that I had with the ballet video was that the girl on the videos didn't have cleavage. I do, and those tummy on the floor exercises didn't really do it for me (they hurt). If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to comment on my blog :) Have a great day!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day 15

Alright so I got out in the heat. I got into my workout gear, put my head phones on, the poor dog saw this, got so excited and started running up and down the hallway. There are a couple of things that I have been keeping track of, first and foremost the progress of my neighbor's fruit trees. During my walk, I noticed little tiny apples starting to grow! They will be ready for stealing in a couple of weeks! The plum tree on the other hand hasn't done anything and it's starting to upset me. The second thing that I have been keeping track of is the progress of a driveway being built. We didn't go past that house today. Today's distance is 2.36 km, my average speed is 5.0kph, with max speed being 9.7kph. I lost a total of 149 calories, this was completed in 28 minutes. Now the dog and I are laying in front of the fan.

Days 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

42 pounds to go... I know, bad. I had a great time visiting my boyfriend over the weekend and week. I was listening to my favorite podcast and you know what she was talking about? If you love yourself you make the you your top priority. That hasn't been the case for me. I over ate to the extreme. Yesterday while I was visiting a friend and she asked about my podcast... and I instantly felt guilty. I am thankful that she asked me though, cause it helped me remember my goal. So today in order to get back into the grove of things I started up my "Tahitian Cardio with Kili" DVD that I bought from Walmart for $5 dollars two years ago. The video is TOUGH! Does it count as working out if you follow the video for 10 mins then break down in a sweat and decide to watch the rest of the video? I don't know if it does but that's what I did anyway. The current temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. That's too hot for this Canadian girl. "Sigh" I just checked the hourly forecast and it looks like a Thunderstorm tonight... I'm feeling so unmotivated. I'm going to hydrate myself and set a jog for 1K. Thanks for reading! If you haven't read another blog from me by tomorrow then PLEASE harass me to get my butt moving.  :D

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Days 8 & 9

I have been a little distracted within the last couple of days. I had a friend come to visit, and I also had a bad hair dye job happen. I can't say that my weight has declined like I want to say it has. To be honest, I'm kinda afraid to weigh myself. Day 8 was not a best walk. First off I am afraid of the dark (and no I am not 12 years old) and second I'm afraid of big dogs barking and running at me. This was the case of day 8. I was scared so we barely got 2K in and had to come home. The boyfriend was completely shocked as to why I was fighting back tears holding on to our dog for dear life. He finally discovered my fears. While at work yesterday (Day 9) I indulged in cookies and cheese. So as a means of self correcting I went for a 3K walk. It was a nice out and I did not even touch my dog spray to get ready to use it which is great. One of the parks was filled with teenagers. They finished school yesterday and this park was in between two schools... so maybe they all sent texts out and met up to celebrate? We also got a picture with a green boy and a blue boy. That was funny and did make this walk one that I will remember. 

Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 6

So day 5 didn't really go well at ALL. I ate WAY too much and rested WAY too much. Today I made a point to self correct so I went for walk/jog in the morning and did 5K. After a company dinner of stake, baked potatoe, ceaser salad, and dessert, we got in 3.8 K. My legs are SORE and for the last half of my nightly activity I started receiving throbbing pain in my side. I made sure to slow right down to 3.0 mph. The boyfriend did very well tonight by helping motivating me to get out again. He jogged more then I could tonight, but made sure to come back for me ever so often. The poor dog is passed out with exhaustion right now. I'm glad to have turned things around today after doing so poorly yesterday :)

Thursday 23 June 2011

Day 4

Today is beautiful out! It's a bit hot though which made it difficult to add some speed. Did about 4 miles (6473 steps) at a very slow pace. The poor dog was panting the whole time, but he made a friend which was nice. The two dogs were about the same size, both very happy dogs, chasing each other around the park, it was cute. My hamstrings do not feel as tight as they felt before. I have really been paying attention to my body, making sure that as soon as I feel pain in the back of my legs to switch which side of the sidewalk I walk on. We finished the walk off and then split an ice cream cone from Mc Donalds. But other then that, I don't have much to say.

Day 3

40.5 pounds to go

Today I took it easy, I was reading on this website http://www.marathonwalking.com/schedule_ez_half.html on how to train for a half marathon... I haven't rested at all for the past week. So today was my first lazy day. Tomorrow I look forward to jogging, hopefully my hamstrings will have gotten a break. As for my diet... not the best today. I had half a bowl of vermicelli, an egg, a large portion of Shepherd's Pie (with extra lean beef and sweet potato), a burger at Burger King and some ice cream... I know very very bad today. I still feel full. I'm kinda worried about these rest days...

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day 2 Evening

So... we ate a big meal. I was super full and exhausted because last night I got a jog in at 12:15a.m.... bad idea if you want to calm down before bed. I was up until 3:30a.m! Anyway I am getting off track. Tonight I really wanted to get a jog in. The boyfriend on the other hand was not feeling it. I somehow got him into his gear and within the first minute outside, he had a smile on his face and was talking about how good it is to get some fresh air. The walk was perfect. We found a bird on some grass just laying there. We yelled and the dog jumped at it, finally we decided that the bird was sick and we shouldn't get too close to it. The average pace today was 5.6 which I find to be personally a good pace. I was happy with it. We walked 5K, I tried to jog the last K but the dog and boyfriend came racing up behind me and gave me a good scare so I walked the rest... I know... not good but hey tonight was my second activity. I'm not going to complain for doing 9K today. My hamstrings are still a little tense which is making things a bit tougher but overall today has been a great day! So I tried this to stretch them out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd6dc3U2ZCk

Day 2

41 pounds to go!

This morning I woke up, had some cereal and within an hour I started my 3.69 walk/jog! I really enjoy getting out first thing in the morning that way I beat the heat and it’s a great way to get my body going. It was a nice cloudy morning, the dog walked on the proper side of the street. There were a few incidents that caused some stress though, first city workers were cutting the low branches off trees causing the dog to get a bit stressed by the noise (so I carried him for a bit) second I just downloaded a new application called “Runtastic” on my Blackberry Curve but I didn’t know how to operate it fully and forgot to stop it. So far the application seems like a good idea. It recorded my average speed, distance, average pace, elevation gain/loss, calories, max speed, the duration and what the time and date was when I started my activity. Want to know what the cool thing is? It’s free! But overall I am very proud of my journey this morning! I walked 2.69 kms and jogged the last km! I have never done that without stopping before.

For lunch I packed a pecan, egg, beacon bit, mushroom, and spinach salad with poppy seed dressing. I packed an extra egg and some grapes for myself. The boyfriend on the other hand started complaining about the fact that he has no gone out to eat for a week (last time we went out was Friday but alright). Tonight we are having stake, rice and salad but I will make sure to watch the portion sizes. 

Day 1

Today I decided to train for a marathon which will be taking place in the summer of 2012!

I am 42 pounds over my ideal body weight. Through training, I hope to achieve weight loss and self satisfaction. Until 3 days ago, I couldn't jog a block. While going for a walk with my boyfriend my boyfriend suggested we jog for a bit.... me jog? LOL alright?!? I'm a horrible jogger, I have poor lungs and I always feel like I want to puke whenever I get moving too much. But 3 days ago I decided to humor him, and "jog". Watching him jog made me laugh cause he was super SLOW and he didn't look cool at all. So when I started off and I made sure that I jogged faster then him, I lifted my legs to the perfect length and arched my arms the way you see the sexy models on TV Commercials doing and I started jogging. After a few minutes I was getting tired and my boyfriend was starting to pass me. He asked he could give me a few suggestions....I agreed. I hate it when he's right... but anyway...
Tip #1: I needed to keep me feet lower towards the ground, and stop lifting them as much so that I don't use so much energy lifting my legs
Tip #2: Start off slower
With those 2 tips I was able to jog my first block that night. I felt so proud of myself. I knew that we had to make jogging apart of our lives. Two days ago, I started feeling pain in the back of my right leg (hamstrings) felt really stiff and started hurting while I was jogging. I usually always walk with my left arm towards traffic and my right arm (which holds the leash of my Pomeranian) on the side closest to grass and peoples yards. The thing is, side walks are slanted just a tiny bit so that water will drain off of them... so my right leg was on a higher level then my left leg... the right leg wasn't getting as much of a stretch and so I decided to switch my method of walking and jogging (although dog books always say that dogs should walk on the right of you, I figured my legs could use the switch). So now we are trying to adjust to my right arm being towards traffic and my left arm being towards grass, the dog is super confused and keeps running into traffic now.